Name and how long you have been in the industry
Colleen Haugen-Ortiz, 10 years
Short background bio – How did you get into the industry? Anything that drew you in?
When joining the Army and presented with the list of potential jobs, I saw biomedical equipment specialist and went “well that sounds air conditioned” and decided that would work best because, not only was it a good job in the Army, but one you can take out of the Army. Once I left the Army, I applied to GE Healthcare and worked my way up from there, 7 years later and I still love my job and doing what I do!
What milestones or contributing factors helped elevate you to where you are today?
Being involved with AAMI and local biomed associations, I think really helped where I am at and caring about the bigger picture. Remembering that our patients, no matter what company we work for, are our true customers and always trying to figure out how to make things better for our people.
What roadblocks did you have to overcome?
It is still one I struggle with…Work/life balance. I am a Mom of two amazing young boys but also always striving for more. I am still putting myself through school and working full time and volunteer work but also trying to find time for my family and being there for them as well as time for myself to do the hobbies I love. It’s a delicate tight rope walk.
What do you feel makes a great leader in this industry?
The drive to want to make our biomeds better. Being a listening ear and representing them and their struggles. How can we help our biomeds succeed.
What advice to you have for the other women in HTM?
Don’t ever give up or feel discouraged. When I started I was the only woman in the shop of seasoned biomeds. Always stay curious and work smarter not harder. There are a ton of resources and people willing to help you don’t let pride hold you back from getting the information available.