WAR Story – TechNation Award Nominee – Izabella Gieras

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Name and how long you have been in the industry
Izabella Gieras
I have been in the HTM industry for over 25 years and love every day of it!

What is your biggest accomplishment and/or proudest moment of your career?
Every day has been rewarding and memorable. One of my many accomplishments I cherish is when I got involved in ACCE, AAMI and other professional organizations and their committees early on in my HTM career and have not stopped since. I have met many wonderful people, broadened my professional network and always look forward to seeing many of them at the various professional conferences and meetings.

What does this TechNation Award nomination mean to you?
It is an amazing recognition! I am so honored to be considered part of the circle of so many wonderful, greatly accomplished women in our field. I am also very thankful to TechNation for initiating this award. The presence of Women In HTM Leadership continues to flourish. I look forward to seeing many during the next MD Expo conference in Temecula.

What can we do as Women in HTM to help inspire others in the industry?
It is good to see that the percentage of women in our field has been steadily growing over the last decade. Collectively, we must be doing something right. Nonetheless, we need to continue to promote, share our experiences and provide encouragement to other women to join the field. There are no limits!

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